Eagle Community Credit Union Blog

What is a CD Ladder?
Ever felt like opening a long-term savings account and interested in reviewing your options? Let us tell you about something called a CD ladder and whether it's a good choice.

AI Fraud and How to Protect Yourself
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. Unfortunately, though, it’s also revolutionizing the way scammers con unsuspecting victims into sharing their personally identifiable information and their money. Here’s what you need to know about AI fraud and how to protect yourself.

Boost Your Savings Without Market Risk
When it comes to investing your money, a wide range of options are available. These opportunities include stocks, bonds, traditional savings accounts, and real estate, all of which offer the potential for financial growth. However, with a plethora of choices also comes the possibility of increased risks.
What if there was an option to invest your money and earn a significant return without any risk? You’d probably think it’s too good to be true. It’s not a myth; it’s called a Share Certificate Account.

How do I Prepare for a Recession?
Economists are divided on whether we’re already in a recession or likely heading toward one. All signs seem to be pointing towards a recession: inflation has hit a 40-year high, interest rates have hit a two-decade peak and investing in the stock market now is like riding a terrifying roller coaster.
Taking steps to improve your financial health in case of a recession is a responsible and forward-thinking move. Here’s how to be in position for weathering a recession.

Smart Money Moves for Members Under 30
Life in your twenties can be exciting and full of new opportunities. There are many milestones young members might cross off their lists during this period: graduating college, beginning their careers, getting married, and even starting families.
While long-term financial goals might seem a lifetime away, the decisions you make today can significantly impact your future fiscal success. When it comes to building wealth, time is your best friend. The sooner you begin laying the foundation for the future, the better your position will be when you approach your next financial milestone.
Here are several wise money moves you can make in your twenties to prepare yourself for financial events yet to come.

How to Use Your Tax Refund to Build Credit
It’s no secret that having a great credit score is beneficial today. It makes being approved for loans easier and ensures you pay less interest on those financial obligations. But its benefits stretch beyond loans. For instance, some employers will check your credit score before hiring you. Landlords will often review your credit before you can move in. And some companies, such as utilities, may waive the required deposit if your score is high enough.
You should always be on the lookout for ways to improve your credit score. And while often overlooked, tax season is the perfect opportunity to give your score a boost. To understand how, first review the components of your credit score.

10 Ways You Can Use a Home Equity Loan
You’ll often hear homeowners talking about tapping into their home’s equity to solve a variety of financial challenges. But what exactly is home equity? And if you do tap into your home’s equity, how can you use those funds?
There are several ways to access your home’s equity, including a Home Equity Loan and a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). Both options are similar, but each has its own pros and cons.

Should I Sell My House Now?
While it appears to be a seller’s market, and the perfect time to put your home up for sale, there are many variables to consider before going forward. Below, we’ve outlined important points to know about today’s market so you can make an informed decision about selling your home in 2021.

5 Tips When Starting Your Own Business
Whether starting your own business has been a lifelong dream or recent events encouraged you to try and monetize your unique skills and talents, there is much to consider before taking the plunge. While creating a business is relatively simple in terms of completing and filing forms, ensuring your success long-term requires greater planning.
Before you dive right into your new business venture, review the following tips to help you navigate the waters of business ownership.

Creating A Post-Pandemic Budget
Now that the world is opening up again, your spending habits are probably changing. Gas expenses may have increased by getting out more. You may be feeling the need for a social spending spree of outings, dining, and events that you haven’t been able to indulge in for over a year.

How to Get the Most Money for Your Trade
While many people may think they have some tricks up their sleeves to obtain the best deal on their next new vehicle, typically, it’s the car salesman that seems to always come out ahead. However, if you approach your new car shopping with a plan, you might be able to grab yourself a great deal, even when you’re trying to trade in your existing vehicle. Here you’ll learn some tips on how to get the most money for your trade-in.

The Pros & Cons of Building a New Home
While there are a few important choices to make during the home-buying process, one of the very first decisions you'll need to make is whether you’ll buy an existing home or build a new one. Building a new home can be exciting and offers many advantages, but it also has drawbacks when compared to purchasing an existing home.

Tips for Young Investors
If you’ve been watching the news in recent months, it’s hard to miss the “Gamestop Rebellion,” in which some ordinary people made waves and enjoyed massive gains by investing in Gamestop stocks.
While it is possible to enjoy gains like this when all the stars align perfectly, it is equally likely to experience significant losses. In this way, the stock market is much like a casino, especially if you don’t understand the many principles and investing strategies.
One thing is certain, technology and the rise of online trading companies have made it possible for “the little guy” to dive right into the stock trading process — something that was essentially impossible a short while ago.
Be aware, however, that even those who are trained in the principles and strategies of investing can lose big. It’s an even greater risk for novice investors. Here are some investment tips for those just starting.

How Credit Unions Help Out the Community
Our credit union plays a vital role in helping our community grow. Different than banks, which are formed on the idea of turning profits, our credit union is built on the “people helping people” philosophy. The better you understand how our credit union helps our community, the greater the odds are that you and your family will gain more from your membership. These are just a few ways our credit union helps our communities and our members.