Eagle Community Credit Union Blog

Back-to-School Shopping: Smart Parents, Happy Wallets
With the new school year right around the corner, feelings can be mixed. While teenagers dread the thought of waking up before noon, most parents crave the structure and routine of the school day.
However, there’s much to do before school bells ring and buses fill the streets. By now, you’re probably already receiving school supply lists and noticing most of your kids’ clothes no longer fit. Use the following tips to tackle all your back-to-school shopping adventures while keeping your wallet happy.

Your Complete Guide to a Spend-Free Summer Weekend
Between flip-flops and baseball, beach days and the Fourth of July, there’s so much to love about summer! Unfortunately, though, the warmest season of the year can be incredibly expensive. Family activities, higher utility bills and steep fuel prices are just some of the ways summer can get pricey. A great way to combat a swollen summer budget is to take a financial fast on a summer weekend – or several of them. Here’s how.

How to Prepare Your Home Before Leaving on Vacation
Everyone needs and deserves a nice vacation. It’s a chance to escape the daily grind, have fun with family and friends, and unwind. Whether you’re embarking on a fun-filled family excursion or a relaxing retreat, a lot of preparation goes into creating your perfect getaway.
As your vacation date inches closer and the excitement builds, it’s easy to overlook some last-minute household items to check off your to-do list. Preparing your home before you leave on vacation will help protect your property and provide a pleasant atmosphere to return to after your trip.
Ensure your home is vacation-ready with the following tips.

Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money
It’s never too early to begin teaching kids about money. Responsible money management is a vital skill they will carry throughout their lives. However, the subject isn’t always the most entertaining, especially for younger children. Many find it dull or have difficulty understanding the concepts.
Fortunately, there are many fun and engaging ways to educate your child about money. All it takes is a little time and some creativity.

Why Your Child Should Have a Savings Account
Kids these days are growing up with more access to financial products than ever before. From debit cards to mobile apps and specialty accounts, they have so many options when it comes to managing their money. In honor of Youth Month, let’s take a look at why it can be a good idea to open a savings account for your child.

Fixed Allowance vs. Chore-Based Allowance: Which Should You Choose?
Every parent knows that feeling when a child is begging for candy at the checkout line or your teen asks for cash before going out with friends. Do you give in or make them use their allowance money? While paying allowances to children is common today, it’s wise to use this practice as a means to teach responsible money management and important decision-making skills.

How to Teach Kids Savings Goals
It’s never too early to begin teaching your children the importance of saving money. Whether they receive tooth fairy money or earn a paycheck at their first job, all are teachable moments that can have a tremendous impact on their future financial lives.
Nowadays it’s almost too easy to spend money. Everything you could possibly want is only a swipe of your credit card or few clicks away. While convenient, this also propels instant gratification and can lead to overspending and poor money management skills. Teaching children about money at an early age will allow them to build proper savings habits, better manage their money in adulthood, and hopefully avoid the temptations that come with the ease of spending.

If you haven't looked into scholarships yet, it's time to start your search! There are multiple scholarship opportunities not only for new students, but also for students who are currently enrolled in college. They can be as broad as academic and merit scholarships or as specific and unusual as duck calling scholarships (start practicing your best "quack" - it may be worth some good money). Eagle also offers an annual scholarship to members who apply. Learn more in this article.

Teaching Children Delayed Gratification
The world today revolves around instant gratification – we want everything, and we want it now. And, thanks to businesses across a spectrum of industries, it’s made possible. Credit cards and Buy Now Pay Later programs give you instant access to money. Computers and smartphones answer just about any question you could imagine instantly. Everything from expedited college degrees to promises of shedding pounds overnight is within your reach.
But this “instant anything” mentality can have real-life consequences. For children that see and copy everything, this could cause a multitude of challenges down the road. Finding ways to instill patience and goal-setting skills in children is crucial – and the sooner you begin, the better.

6 Tips to Help with Rising Childcare Costs
Most new parents are shocked when they discover the cost of childcare today. With prices per child often near $1,000 per month, the total can become extremely expensive for those with multiple small children. The rising cost of childcare can force parents to question whether it’s more economical for one parent to forgo working and raise their children until they can attend elementary school.
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to stop working for an extended period. Many families depend on two incomes, and most single parents need to work. However, there are steps you can take to lower childcare costs and better plan for the ongoing expenses.

Money Management Tips for New Parents
Welcoming a new baby is a joyous and exciting time for parents. Whether this is your first child or your third, you know this new addition will come with extra expenses. For most, navigating these costs while also continuing to save money can be tricky.
The good news is that you can take steps to keep your finances and budget on track while growing your family. Here are nine tips to help manage your money with a new baby.

15 Ways to Reduce the Cost of College
Enrolling in college can often feel like a double-edged sword. It can be an excellent investment in your future and provide you with more opportunities throughout your professional career. On the other hand, the costs can be high – forcing you to rely on student loans to cover at least a portion of the expenses.
The trick is to limit how much you borrow. With loans, you have to consider the amount you need to repay, plus interest that is accruing at the same time. Since student loans typically have longer repayment periods, the interest can add up quickly – even with favorable rates.
To prevent yourself from becoming overloaded with student debt upon graduation, find ways to reduce the amount you need to borrow.

How to Find Scholarships for College
A college degree remains one of the best investments in your future self. It can open the door to new career opportunities and increase your earning potential significantly. However, the cost of higher education today leaves many wondering if it’s worth the investment.
While college expenses continue to rise, there are many ways to lower the financial burden. One of the most popular means to do this is through college scholarships.

Should You Pay Money for Good Grades?
Every parent wants the best for their child, and schooling plays a significant role in determining what opportunities await them later in life. While there are many techniques to help children excel in school, a commonly debated topic is whether you should pay your child for good grades.
On the one hand, incenting your child may encourage them to devote more time and energy toward their schoolwork. Yet, on the other hand, it could devalue learning as your child only focuses on the prize and not necessarily what they are being taught.
It’s a popular discussion among parents and professionals, but the decision ultimately comes down to you, the parent, and what you think will work best for your child. Before you decide, it’s important to understand how paying for grades works and the potential benefits and drawbacks.

How do I Raise my Kids to be Financially Independent Adults?
It’s commendable to try raising your kids today with an eye toward their future. Teaching your children how to be financially independent will help smooth the transition into adulthood. It will also give them the tools they need to achieve and maintain financial wellness throughout their life.
Here are some tips for raising kids to grow into financially independent adults.

Your Complete Guide to Buying an RV and ATV
If you’re ready to purchase an RV or an ATV, the number of choices to make can be overwhelming. The price range for different vehicles is enormous, choosing between a new or used vehicle can be tricky and securing financing can be a nightmare all its own. To help you through the process, we’ve outlined the steps to take, factors to consider and general tips for purchasing an RV or an ATV. Let’s get started!

I’m An Adult Now. Now What?
Turning 18 is a significant milestone in many people's lives. While teenagers may have felt grown-up long before the “Big One-Eight,” now they are legally recognized as adults. Adulthood may bring a mixed bag of feelings of freedom and trepidation. Whether you are still at home or setting out on your own, you'll need to prepare for the changes that come with being 18. In this blog we share a quick guide to starting out at 18.

Tips for Young Investors
If you’ve been watching the news in recent months, it’s hard to miss the “Gamestop Rebellion,” in which some ordinary people made waves and enjoyed massive gains by investing in Gamestop stocks.
While it is possible to enjoy gains like this when all the stars align perfectly, it is equally likely to experience significant losses. In this way, the stock market is much like a casino, especially if you don’t understand the many principles and investing strategies.
One thing is certain, technology and the rise of online trading companies have made it possible for “the little guy” to dive right into the stock trading process — something that was essentially impossible a short while ago.
Be aware, however, that even those who are trained in the principles and strategies of investing can lose big. It’s an even greater risk for novice investors. Here are some investment tips for those just starting.