Eagle Community Credit Union Blog

Popular Tax Scams & How to Avoid Them
Tax season is here, and it tends to put most people on edge. Many are anxious to file their returns because they rely on the money from their tax refund. Others find it stressful to locate all their tax documents and file on time. Add in people’s fear of the IRS and making mistakes on their returns, and it creates the perfect environment for scammers.
Fraudsters feed off uncertainty, and tax time provides multiple opportunities to deceive taxpayers. Fortunately, protecting yourself can be easy with the right knowledge.
While the tactics used by fraudsters are constantly evolving, their scams tend to fall into three general categories. Familiarize yourself with each to avoid falling victim this year.

Is Your Tax Refund Too Big?
"I’ve filed my taxes, and I’ll be getting quite a sizable refund this year. I love getting free money in my checking account, but I’ve heard this may not be a good thing. Am I doing something wrong?"
Everyone loves getting money from the government, but your concerns are absolutely valid. Let’s take a look at why an extra-large tax refund may not be in the taxpayer’s best interests, along with how to lower a refund in the future.

Tax Tips 2023
Tax season is here again! Before you start stressing over those forms, though, read this guide for what you need to know about filing taxes in 2023.

Last-Minute Tax Tips to Know Before You File
The big day is drawing near, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to file your tax return! Before you file, though, it’s a good idea to review your return to ensure you haven’t made any mistakes or forgotten any deductions or credits you’re eligible to claim. Below, we’ve compiled a list of last-minute tax tips to know before you file.

How to Use Your Tax Refund to Build Credit
It’s no secret that having a great credit score is beneficial today. It makes being approved for loans easier and ensures you pay less interest on those financial obligations. But its benefits stretch beyond loans. For instance, some employers will check your credit score before hiring you. Landlords will often review your credit before you can move in. And some companies, such as utilities, may waive the required deposit if your score is high enough.
You should always be on the lookout for ways to improve your credit score. And while often overlooked, tax season is the perfect opportunity to give your score a boost. To understand how, first review the components of your credit score.

Don’t Get Caught up in a Tax Return Scam!
It’s tax season, and while that may mean you’re drowning in forms and paperwork, for scammers it means millions of taxpayers they can potentially dupe out of refunds or scare into making irrational moves. Here’s what you need to know about tax return scams and how to avoid them.

7 Reasons to File Your Taxes Early
Filing your taxes can be a bit of a headache each year. While many people may have good intentions of filing as soon as they get their W-2s, the reality is people often procrastinate. Then, before they know it, the deadline sneaks up and forces them to reorganize their schedule to make time to file, causing a great deal of unnecessary stress.
If that scenario sounds familiar to you, it’s time to consider filing your taxes early. Doing so will not only relieve your stress and anxiety levels, but there are many other benefits you’ll experience.

Why You Should Get Your Tax Refund Direct Deposited
While you can sit and wait for your tax refund check to hit your mailbox, it can be a long, painful, and frustrating wait when you really need that money. The good news is that the IRS will directly deposit your tax refund (some or all of it) electronically into your savings or checking account. You just need to let them know that's how you prefer to receive it when filing your taxes.
In this article, we will review some of the reasons why having your tax refund directed deposited is the best option, as well as the steps on how to set it up.

All You Need to Know About the New Stimulus Bill
On March 6, the Senate passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. The bill promises further financial relief and assistance to millions of Americans who may still be struggling with the financial devastation of COVID-19.
In this article, we’ve outlined some of the most significant measures included in the bill ...

The Risks of Withdrawing Too Much Cash
In these uncertain times of COVID-19, people wonder how best to protect themselves and their families from financial disaster. Although it is certainly understandable to have those worries, it is also highly advisable to remain calm and respond thoughtfully. Rash actions made under stress can cause all kinds of unforeseen problems, which is especially true when it comes to finances. So what's the best course of action right now?