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Current Rates

Deposit Rates    CD Rates    Loan Rates     Home Loan Rates     First Mortgages

Deposit Rates

Savings Accounts

Access Savings
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$25 $100 0.100% 0.100%
$25 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.

Credit Builder Shares††
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$25 $100 0.100% 0.100%
$25 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
††MasterCard® Credit Builder Credit Card requires secured deposit of 110% of credit line into a Credit Builder Share.

Holiday Club
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$25 $100 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity..

Premium Advantage Money Market Account
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$2,500 $2,500 0.449% 0.450%
$2,500 $10,000 0.449% 0.500%
$2,500 $25,000 0.648% 0.650%
$2,500 $50,000 0.747% 0.750%
$2,500 $100,000 0.846% 0.850%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.

Premier Business Savings
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenDividend RateAPY*Min. to Earn APY*
$25 0.000% 0.000% $0
$25 1.490% 1.500% $500
$25 2.472% 2.500% $10,000
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.

Premier Business Money Market
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenDividend RateAPY*Min. to Earn APY*
$2,500 0.000% 0.000% $0
$2,500 1.490% 1.500% $2,500
$2,500 2.472% 2.500% $10,000
$2,500 2.960% 3.000% $25,000
$2,500 3.445% 3.500% $50,000
$2,500 3.929% 4.000% $100,000
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.


Youth Savings Accounts

Circus Club Access Savings
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$5 $5 0.100% 0.100%
$5 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
*Circus Club (ages 0-12) and Green Team (ages 13-17) members may open an Early Savers Certificate with a minimum deposit of $500 and earn the $2,000 Share Certificate rate and APY, based on term. Terms available: 3 - 60 months. At maturity, funds in an Early Saver Certificate automatically transfer to the member’s savings account, if a member is 18 or older. Penalties apply for early withdrawal.* All Green Team members must have a joint account with a parent or guardian to open a checking account and be eligible for a MasterCard Enhanced Debit Card.

Green Team Access Savings
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$5 $5 0.100% 0.100%
$5 $10,000 0.100% 0.100%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
*Circus Club (ages 0-12) and Green Team (ages 13-17) members may open an Early Savers Certificate with a minimum deposit of $500 and earn the $2,000 Share Certificate rate and APY, based on term. Terms available: 3 - 60 months. At maturity, funds in an Early Saver Certificate automatically transfer to the member’s savings account, if a member is 18 or older. Penalties apply for early withdrawal.* All Green Team members must have a joint account with a parent or guardian to open a checking account and be eligible for a MasterCard Enhanced Debit Card.


Checking Accounts

Ultimate Checking
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$25 $0 0.030% 0.030%
$25 $10,000 0.030% 0.030%
$25 $100,000 0.030% 0.030%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.

REWARDS+ Accounts
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Dividend RateAPY*Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*
0.250% 0.250% $25 $0.01 and up (if qualified)
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity

Premier Business Checking
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenDividend RateAPY*Min. to Earn APY*
$100 1.982% 2.000% $0
$100 1.982% 2.000% $500
$100 1.982% 2.000% $10,000
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.


IRA Savings

IRA Savings (SEP, Coverdell Education, Roth)†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Min. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
$100 $100 0.100% 0.100%
$100 $100,000 0.150% 0.150%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
†Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.

IRA Certificates

IRA Certificates†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
12 Months $500 $500 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $500 $500 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $500 $500 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $500 $500 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $500 $500 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
†Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.


Share Certificates

$2,000 Term Share†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
3 Months $2,000 $2,000 2.472% 2.500%
6 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.348% 3.400%
12 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $2,000 $2,000 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
† Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.

Early Saver Certificate**†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
3 Months $500 $2,000 2.472% 2.500%
6 Months $500 $2,000 3.348% 3.400%
12 Months $500 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $500 $2,000 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $500 $2,000 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $500 $2,000 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $500 $2,000 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
† Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.
**Early Saver Certificate applies to Circus Club and Green Team Accounts only

STRETCH Certificate†
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
10 Months $5,000 $5,000 0.349% 0.350%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
†Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.

Promotional Term and IRA Certificates†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
9 Months $2,000 $2,000 4.169% 4.250%
9 Months - IRA $500 $500 4.169% 4.250%
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY assumes that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. If the dividends are withdrawn prior to maturity, the APY will be lower.
†The promotional 9-month Certificate offers a dividend rate of 3.929%, with an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 4.00%. Dividends are credited as stated in the terms of the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure Account Agreement. Upon maturity, the Certificate will automatically renew into a standard, non-promotional 12-month Certificate at the dividend rate in effect at the time of renewal. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Membership eligibility and other terms and conditions apply. Rates, conditions, and terms are subject to change without notice. These promotions are a limited time offer. Please contact Eagle Community Credit Union for the most current information.


Jumbo Share Certificates

$50,000 Term Share Certificate†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
3 Months $50,000 $50,000 2.472% 2.500%
6 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.348% 3.400%
12 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $50,000 $50,000 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
† Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.
$100,000 Term Share Certificate†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermMin. to OpenMin. to Earn APY*Dividend RateAPY*
3 Months $100,000 $100,000 2.472% 2.500%
6 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.348% 3.400%
12 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.203% 3.250%
24 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.203% 3.250%
36 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.008% 3.050%
48 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.154% 3.200%
60 Months $100,000 $100,000 3.251% 3.300%
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.
† Penalty for early withdrawal and fees or other conditions could reduce earnings on the account. If you make a withdrawal from your certificate before the maturity date, a penalty will be charged on the amount of the withdrawal based on the original term of the certificate. These penalties are as outlined: Up to 12 months: 90 days of dividends, 13+ months: 180 days of dividends. Please see Eagle Community Credit Union’s Disclosure and Agreement of Terms and Conditions and Service Pricing Schedule for complete details and fee disclosure.

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Consumer Loan Rates

Vehicle Loans

New Auto
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 60 Months 5.69% - 17.44% Up to 125%
61-72 Months 5.94% - 17.94% Up to 125%
73-84 Months 6.44% - 13.44% Up to 125%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)

Used Auto
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 60 Months 6.69% - 21.44% Up to 125%
61-72 Months 6.94% - 21.94% Up to 125%
73-84 Months 7.44% - 17.44% Up to 125%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)

New or Used Motorcycle
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 48 Months 9.99% - 18.99% Up to 100%
49 - 84 Months 10.49% - 19.49% Up to 100%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)

New or Used Recreational Vehicle
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 60 Months 10.00% - 20.50% Up to 100%
61 - 72 Months 10.00% - 14.50% Up to 100%
73 - 120 Mo 10.25% - 14.75% Up to 100%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)

New or Used Personal Watercraft
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 48 Months 11.99% - 20.99% Up to 100%
60 - 84 Months 12.49% - 21.49% Up to 100%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)

New or Used Boat
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* RangeFinancing
Up to 72 Months 10.00% - 17.00% Up to 100%
73 - 84 Months 10.25% - 17.25% Up to 100%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 1.00% rate discount to vehicle loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking, 0.50% for loan loyalty, and 0.25% for loan to value below 80%)


Personal Loans

Personal Loan
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* Range
Up to 24 Months 13.24% - 23.99%
25 - 36 Months 13.49% - 24.24%
37 - 48 Months 13.74% - 24.49%
49 - 60 Months 13.99% - 24.74%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 0.75% rate discount applies to personal loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking and 0.50% for loan loyalty).

Energy Loan†
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* Range
Up to 96 Months 7.24% - 9.99%
97 - 120 Months 7.74% - 10.49%
121 - 180 Months 8.24% - 10.99%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 0.75% rate discount applies to personal loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking and 0.50% for loan loyalty).
†Energy Loan processing and third-party fees apply. Fees vary by product and contractor/vendor relationship. Fees may not be waived. No annual fee/prepayment fee or penalty. Late fee = 3% of payment after 10 days ($5 minimum). Energy Loans require a signed copy of the invoice/contract and all required permits must be in place in order to fund. Work must be performed by Eagle approved contractors. Property must be owner-occupied primary residence located in California. Lien placed on home through UCC Financing Statement for all loans over $10,000. A UCC Financing Statement is filed to perfect a security interest in named collateral and established priority in case of debtor default or bankruptcy.

Personal Line of Credit
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
APR* Range
13.24% - 23.99%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.
Lowest listed rates include up to 0.75% rate discount applies to personal loans if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking and 0.50% for loan loyalty).

Buy Now, Pay Later
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Up to 9 Months 18.99%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.

Quick Cash
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Up to 36 Months 28.00%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.

Plan Your Purchase
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Up to 9 Months 18.99%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.

Holiday Loan
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR* Range
12 Months 11.90%-19.90%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice.


Credit Cards

MasterCard Platinum Credit Card
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
APR* RangeBalance Transfer FeeAnnual Fee
12.50%-21.90% $0 $0
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications

MasterCard Rewards Credit Card
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
APR* RangeBalance Transfer FeeAnnual Fee
12.99%-24.49% $0 $0
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications

MasterCard Credit Builder Credit Card††
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
APR*Balance Transfer FeeAnnual Fee
13.90% $0 $0
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications
††MasterCard Credit Builder Credit Card and Share/Certificate Secured Loan is secured by deposit into a Credit Union Share.


Secured Loans

Share-Secured Loan††
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Up to 60 Months 3.25% over savings rate 100%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications.
††MasterCard Credit Builder Credit Card and Share/Certificate Secured Loan is secured by deposit into a Credit Union Share.

Certificate-Secured Loan††
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Term of Deposit 3% Over Dividend Rate 90%
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Your APR is determined by your credit qualifications
††MasterCard Credit Builder Credit Card and Share/Certificate Secured Loan is secured by deposit into a Credit Union Share.

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Home Loan Rates

Home Equity Loans

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Term*APR**Maximum RateLTV
30 Years 7.25% 18.00% Up to 80%
Promotional Rate*** As low as 5.99% for the first 12 months    

*30-Year term includes 15-year draw period and 15-year repayment period. Principal and interest payments required on outstanding balance during 15-year draw period.

**APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to loan approval and may change without notice. Promotional Annual Percentage Rate as low as 5.99% is offered on owner-occupied single-family, condominium, or townhome in California with a maximum Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) line of $250,000 at 80% combined loan-to-value (CLTV) or 70% CLTV for lines greater than $250,000 for twelve months on new lines only. Thereafter, the rate increases to the regular rate. The HELOC rate, based on the current Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal (the index) plus a Margin, is variable and subject to change quarterly. Maximum APR is capped at 18.00% and is subject to change. A minimum APR limit of 3.50% also applies.  Membership and certain restrictions apply.

‡A lien will be required on the subject property. All loan programs are subject to approval. Additional restrictions apply to all programs. This offer is only available on Eagle Community Credit Union home equity lines of credit that are owner-occupied, single-family residences or owner-occupied townhomes located in California. Investment properties are not included in this promotion. All interest rates are subject to change. Must meet membership eligibility and lending criteria. Rates include up to 0.75% rate discount if eligible (0.25% for autopay from Eagle checking and 0.50% for loan loyalty). A $75 annual fee applies. Property insurance will be required. A $625-$1,425 fee applies if paid and closed within 3 years.

***After the promotional period, your rate is based on the current Prime Rate plus a margin depending on your creditworthiness.

Manufactured Home Loans

New Manufactured Home Loan
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
TermAPR† RangeLTV
240 Months 7.85% - 12.80% 90%
Rates include up to 0.50% rate discount for Eagle Community CU loan loyalty.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.

Used Manufactured Home Loan
Effective Date: Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Age / Year BuiltTermAPR† RangeLTV
Current - 1976 240 Months 7.95%-13.05% 90%
1975-1968 240 Months 8.95% - 14.30% 90%
Rates include up to 0.50% rate discount for Eagle Community CU loan loyalty.
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates quoted are subject to change at any time without notice Annual Percentage Yield assumes deposits, and dividends paid, are held to maturity.


First Mortgages

Contact Primary Partners
(877) 296-8728


Contact Us

HELOC Phone: (949) 639-7990
HELOC Email:

Manufactured Home Loan Phone: (949) 639-7993
Manufactured Home Loan Email:
Member Service Center: (949) 588-9400

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